Integrate marketing communication and purchase decision: Evidence from the automobile industry in Vietnam

Dang Hoang Minh Quan1, Tran Bao Chi1
1 Hoa Sen University

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The study aims to analyze the impact of integrated marketing communication (IMC) on car purchasing decisions in digital marketing. The research model is based on social learning theory, integrated marketing communication, and purchasing decisions. The author interviewed 384 customers who bought cars in the showrooms of automobile brands in Vietnam. By descriptive statistical analysis tools, discovery factor analysis (EFA), scale reliability testing (CRA), affirmative factor analysis (CFA), and structural equation modeling (SEM), the results showed that there was a positive influence of direct marketing, word of mouth, advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, public relations to the decision to buy a car. Since then, the study offers policy suggestions so that each car business can focus on promoting media marketing and increasing revenue while bringing the characteristic value of each car brand to the Vietnamese automobile industry.

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