The digital strategic orientation, digital transformation competence and the organizational performance of enterprise

Pham Thi Ngoc Mai1, Nguyen Thi Cong Dung2, Nguyen Thi Quy2
1 s:33:"University of Finance - Marketing";
2 University of Finance - Marketing

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The main aims of this research to investigate the connection between the digital strategic orientation, digital transformation competence and the organizational performance of Vietnamese enterprises.  It has identified elements of the digital strategic orientation including customer strategic orientation, strategic competitor orientationand technology strategic orientation; that based on the theory related to digital transformation, in which, mainly includes resource-based perspectives and core competency theory. Digital competence is built on five aspects including: digital infrastructure competence, digital integration competence, digital management, digital system spanning and digital system proactive stance. The preliminary qualitative research method is set to learn and adjust the scales. Quantitative research was conducted through a survey of 319 enterprises which including: private enterprises, limited liability companies, joint stock companies, wholly foreign-owned enterprises, with many different fields, such as: service business, retail, distribution, production, information technology, financial services and transportation business). The hypotheses are tested using a SEM (Structural Equation Modeling). The results of this study show that there is a relation between the digital strategic orientation, digital transformation competence and the organizational performance of enterprises. These findings provide those enterprises with methodology on how to drive digital transformation competence, which based on a digital strategic to boost the organizational performance of enterprises.

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