Service quality, satisfaction and loyalty of individual customers in Ho Chi Minh City: study at Shinhan bank Vietnam LTD.

Huynh Thi Thu Suong1, Nguyen Thanh Dat, Ho Xuan Tien
1 University of Finance - Marketing

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This study is conducted to analyze the relationship between service quality, satisfaction and loyalty of individual customers at Shinhan Bank Vietnam Limited in Ho Chi Minh City. Thereby proposing management implications to improve service quality in order to increase the satisfaction and loyalty of individual customers to this bank. Qualitative research was carried out by in-depth interview techniques with managers at the bank in Shihan to adjust the model and scale. Quantitative research was carried out by offline and online survey of 450 individual customers. Techniques and tools are used to test the scale, analyze EFA, CFA, test SEM using SPSS and AMOS software. The results of the SEM structural model analysis show that the factors assurance, responsiveness, reliability, tangibles, and accessibility are really significant in influencing customer satisfaction of individual customers and factors Individual customer satisfaction is significant in influencing the factor of Individual customer loyalty at Shinhan.

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