Intellectual capital efficiency of listed companies on the Vietnam stock market: Reality and research implication

Le Thi My Hanh 1, Hoang Minh Ngoc1, Ngo Tan Lam Ha1, Pham Tran Giang Quynh 1
1 Ton Duc Thang University

Main Article Content


The purpose of the study is to provide an overview of the intellectual capital investment of companies listed on the Vietnamese stock market and consider contributions of intellectual capital components. The study is based on data from 200 companies with the largest market capitalization as of December 31, 2021, with a total of 1,298 observations in the period 2015-2021. The research results show that human capital contributes the most to intellectual capital, followed by structural capital and capital employed. Thereby, providing more empirical evidence on the contribution of intellectual capital to companies listed on the Vietnamese stock market. In addition, correlative analyses of company characteristics with intellectual capital performance help identify the company’s significance related to intellectual capital performance. Last but not least, the results also provide managers and stakeholders with the reality of the role of intellectual capital in the company’s operations as well as emphasize that human capital is an important factor affecting the company’s ability to remain competitive in the new global market.

Article Details

Author Biography

Le Thi My Hanh , Ton Duc Thang University

Hanh Thi My Le or Le Thi My Hanh (Vietnamese name) is An Accounting lecturer at the Faculty of Accounting, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. She has spent almost over fifteen years in teaching Accounting courses. Along with teaching, she has published many outstanding research papers. Her research interest mainly focuses on the quality of financial reports in emerging countries. Recently, her research has been further extended to other areas including corporate governance, earning management, accounting and managerial behavior, and accounting information system. Besides, she also commits time and effort to serve as the Dean of Faculty of Accounting at Ton Duc Thang Univeristy.


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