The relationship among perceived export barriers, firm characteristics and export market selection of ASEAN+3 from export SMEs: The case of agricultural export firms

Mai Xuan Dao1, Nguyen Thi Cam Loan1, Tran Thi Lan Nhung1
1 University of Finance - Marketing

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This paper examines the model to generalize the relationship among Vietnamese small and medium sized enterprises perceived internal and external export barriers, firm characteristics and market selection of Asean+3 (ASEAN, Japan, Korea, China). The paper was tested for the case of agricultural products exporters. The suggested research model is based on the studies of Vida and Fairhurst (1998), Koch (2001). This paper was conducted through the qualitative steps to adjust the scales, quantitative pilot test, and quantitative final test. Data was collected from 218 small and medium-sized enterprises exporting agricultural products in Ho Chi Minh City, some eastern, southwestern, and highland provinces, and was tested by Smart PLS. The results show that there was a negative relationship between perceived internal export barriers and export market selection of Asen+3, there was not any relationship among firm characteristics, perceived internal, external export barriers ,and export market selection. In addition, the results also show that there were differences in some model relationships among enterprises in different geographical areas, size, export experience, export method, and export market selection. Based on the results, the paper leads to some policy implications for the government as well as enterprises to support Vietnamese small and medium sized enterprises to overcome export barriers to export agricultural products to Asean+3.

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