Interaction between FDI and shadow economy on economic growth in ASEAN countries

Nguyen Thi My Linh1
1 University of Finance - Marketing

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The paper assesses the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI), shadow economy and examines the impact of FDI with shadow economy on economic growth on the empirical basis of the research model in ASEAN countries. The research results are the foundation for proposing recommendations on attracting foreign direct investment capital effectively and utilize its strengths in the setting of countries with shadow economies. The new point of the study is that it examines the interactive effect of FDI  and shadow economy on economic growth in combination with assessing the impact of control variables such as dollarization, population growth, government expenditure, and institutional quality. After making basic estimates of Pooled OLS, FEM, and REM, the author use the GMM panel data regression method for the secondary data over the period 2002-2019, the period of economic stability before Covid 19, collected from the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, General Statistics Office, and Ministry of Finance, etc. The research results confirm the impact of FDI, shadow economy and their interaction oneconomic growth as well as other macro factors. Finally, the study proposes additional solutions and policy adjustments to further promote the benefits of FDI for economic growth, especially benefits of FDI for economic growth, especially for countries who poses shadow economy.

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