Factors affecting people's intention to buy voluntary social insurance in Ho Chi Minh City

Nguyen Ngoc Hien1, Le Thi Thanh Hoa1
1 Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City

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Voluntary social insurance is part of the social security system, it has the function of stabilizing workers' lives, ensuring safety and quality of participants' whole lives. This study extends the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and behavioral reasoning theory to investigate the factors affecting people's intention to participate in voluntary social insurance in Ho Chi Minh City. Based on data collected from 317 people interested in voluntary social insurance in Ho Chi Minh City, and using covariance-based structural equation model (CB-SEM) to evaluate the theory in the research model. The results show that attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control have a positive influence on intention to participate in voluntary social insurance. Besides, the research results also confirm the factors that negatively affect the intention to participate in voluntary social insurance including, value barrier, financial risk and efficiency risk. Besides, the author proposes application implications to increase the intention to buy voluntary social insurance of people in Ho Chi Minh City. The findings of the study help the social insurance agency to develop voluntary social insurance both in terms of quantity and quality of voluntary social insurance.

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