Factors impact to domestic tourists' revisit intention: The case of Vung Tau beach

Nguyen Thanh Nhan1
1 Văn phòng HĐND và UBND huyện Bến Lức, tỉnh Long An

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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of travel motivation, Covid-19 risk perception, attitude toward revisiting a destination, perceived behavioral control and subjective norms on tourists' revisit intention of domestic tourism, the case of Vung Tau beach. This study is based on the survey results of 195 people who traveled to Vung Tau beach in the past. Structural equation model SEM (PLS-SEM analysis technique) is applied to analyze the proposed research model. Results of this study show that Travel motivation has a positive direct effect on both attitude and tourist’s revisit intention to Vung Tau beach. Covid-19 risk perception has a negative effect on tourist revisit attitude. Among variables of TPB, both Attitude and Perceived behavioral control significantly influenced Tourist’s revisit intention. Attitude has an important mediating role in the relationship between Covid-19 risk perception, travel motivation, and revisit intention. Subjective norm does not affect the Tourist’s revisit intention. Results of the study contribute to the understanding of the behavioral intention to revisit the destination. The important finding shows that tourist motivation has a crucial role in predicting the attitude and tourist revisit intention.

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