Factors affecting consumers’ intention to use eco-bags for shopping in Ho Chi Minh City

Du Thi Chung1,2, Phan Hong Nhi2
1 Trường ĐH Tài chính Marketing
2 University of Finance - Marketing

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The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that influence the consumers’ intention of using eco-bags when shopping. A quantitative survey was conducted through a sample of 416 consumers in Ho Chi Minh City. To evaluate the measurement model, reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis and confirmed factor analysis were employed. In this study, covariance-based structural equation modeling (CB-SEM) was adopted to test the hypotheses and the research model. The results of this work show that four factors have positive effects on the intention to use the eco-bags, including Green lifestyle, Personal image, Attitude towards eco-bags and Expectations for a good life. Moreover, the results indicate that the Attitude towards eco-bags is affected by Environmental perception, Perception of eco-bag products and Expectations for a good life. From these results, some implications are proposed to increase the intention to use eco-bags as follows: promoting effective communication activities that emphasize the message that the behavior of using eco-bags can benefit the environment’s sustainability and make better lives for the future generations; educating the consumers about environmental perception which can increase the customer knowledge regarding the environmental protection; enhancing a better understanding of eco-bag products that generate environmental benefits; building images of individuals with a green lifestyle when using eco-bag products.

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