Impact of intellectual capital on risks of commercial banking in Vietnam

Le Hong Nga1
1 Bac Lieu University

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This study aims to analyze the impact of intellectual capital on the risk of 30 Vietnamese banks with unbalanced panel data, including 353 observations from 2007 to 2019, using the GMM (Generalized method of moments). The results show that the bad debt ratio is negatively correlated with the intellectual value-added coefficient. However, the results also emphasize that the relationship between value-added intelligence coefficient and bank risk is nonlinear (U-shaped). In addition, when observing the components of the value-added intelligence coefficient, it can be found that the efficiency of using human resources has a positive relationship with the bad debt ratio, and capital structure efficiency harm the risk of banks. In which, the effect of capital structure efficiency is significant. Therefore, banks need to improve the efficiency of their capital structure to limit risks

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