Factors affecting the decision to participate in voluntary social insurance: A case study in Khanh Hoa province

Ho Thuy Tien1, Tran Thi Kim Oanh1, Nguyen Viet Hong Anh1
1 University of Finance - Marketing

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The objective of this study is to determine the factors affecting the decision to participate in voluntary social insurance in Khanh Hoa province. By a combination of the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) method and multiple regression method, the article examines the factors influencing the decision to participate in voluntary social insurance in Khanh Hoa province. The sample includes 408 people participating in the survey about voluntary social insurance in Khanh Hoa province. The study proposes 9 independent factors affecting the decision to participate in voluntary social insurance in Khanh Hoa province. However, the results show that there are 5 factors having statistically significant impacts on the decision to participate in voluntary social insurance in Khanh Hoa province. They are: (1) The capacity of the State to organize and manage the voluntary social insurance policy; (2) Social influence; (3) Feeling the risk; (4) Awareness of voluntary social insurance and (5) Income. From the results, the authors suggest some policy implications to attract participants to voluntary social insurance in Khanh Hoa province.

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