Improving the dynamic capabilities of 4-5 star accommodation enterprises: Case study of Muong Thanh hotel system in Khanh Hoa

Phan Thi Hai Yen1, Nguyen Quyet Thang2
1 Khanh Hoa University
2 Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology

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Dynamic capabilities are a new research direction on competitiveness in the world in general. Especially, accommodation is an industry with continuous changes in the operating environment. It depends greatly on consumer demand. This study focuses on identifying factors affecting the dynamic capabilities of the Muong Thanh hotel system (4-5 stars) in Khanh Hoa. The analysis sample size was 214 votes with SPSS 22 as the tool. The results have identified the following factors: Business capabilities, Innovative capabilities, Ability to apply science and technology, Marketing capabilities, and Learning capabilities as the basic components of dynamic capabilities. From there, the study suggests implications to build and improve the dynamic capabilities of these enterprises.

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