Factors effecting customers’ brand loyaty towards HP laptop in Ho Chi Minh City

Ha Nam Khanh Giao1, Dao Thuy Tien1
1 Academy of Aviation of Vietnam

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This research aims at defining factors affecting customers’ brand loyalty towards HP laptop, by doing an experiment study through a survey with 249 customers in Ho Chi Minh City. The method of exploratory factor analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were used. The results of the research show that there are factors affecting customers’ brand loyalty towards HP laptop, arranged by decreasing effect: (1) perceived quality, (2) brand personality, (3) brand awareness, (4) brand commitment, and (5) brand trust. The result help the business understand about factors affecting customers’ brand loyalty, then they can build up effective marketing strategies. From that, this research also raises suggestions to maintain and increase customers’ brand loyalty towards the HP laptop.

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