The influence of perceived value on tourists' satisfaction and the intention to revisit: A case study at the Da Lat night market

Trinh Thi Ha1, Nguyen Van Anh2
1 s:17:"Yersin University";
2 Dalat University, Vietnam

Main Article Content


This study examines the influence of perceived value factors on tourists' satisfaction and the intention to revisit in the future. Through surveying 192 tourists and using linear regression models to test hypotheses, research results show that, for shopping attractions, the quality value and emotional value are top priorities for tourists, having a strong impact on both satisfaction and l intention to return, in which quality value has the strongest impact instead of emotional value as shown in previous studies. At the same time, quality value, and emotional value influence revisit intention more strongly than satisfaction. The findings of this study confirm the relationship between perceived value, satisfaction, and return intention in the field of shopping attractions. It’s an important basis for tourism management organizations and individuals doing business in this area to offer effective business solutions.

Article Details

Author Biography

Nguyen Van Anh, Dalat University, Vietnam


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