Student satisfaction with the quality of training support services: A case study in the University of Finance – Marketing

Pham Ngoc Duong1, Truong Thi Thuy Vi2, Bui Thi To Loan2
1 University of Finance and Marketing, Vietnam
2 University of Finance - Marketing

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This article aims to identify and measure the factors affecting student satisfaction with the quality training support services at the University of Finance - Marketing.  Research data was collected from 601 students studying in the standard training programs, the integrated training programs and the international training programs. This article aims to identify and measure the factors affecting student satisfaction with the quality training support services at the University of Finance - Marketing.  Research data was collected from 601 students studying in the standard training programs, the integrated training programs, and the international training programs. The research model has been verified through SPSS software, and the data processing results have identified 5 factors: Academic advisor team, Extracurricular activities, Library and learning materials, Corresponding information channel, Cooperation, and Financial Assistance. Financial support is the most important of overall training support services, followed by Library and learning materials, Interactive information channels, Extra-curricular activities, and Team capacity. In addition, the overall quality of training support services is positively related to student satisfaction. On that basis, the study proposes some managerial implications to improve student satisfaction with the quality of training support services.

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