Awareness of using virtual reality technology impact on consumers’ decision to useomnichannel purchasing in Ho Chi Minh City: Diffusion of innovations theory approach

Ha Kien Tan1
1 ThuyLoi University

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After the Covid-19 pandemic, consumer behavior is undergoing major changes. More and more consumers are moving from brick-and-mortar stores to online consumption through the latest technologies including virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality shopping applications (ARSA). The objective of this study is to use innovation diffusion theory to investigate perceived factors using AR and ARSA technologies that affect attitude, commitment and to use omnichannel purchases. The analysis results from 259 consumer survey questionnaires in Ho Chi Minh City who know or have experienced ARSA through the PLS-SEM method show that: factors of perception of complexity, perception of trial ability, perceived relative advantage, perception of compatibility and perception of observability have an impact on use omnichannel purchase through attitude mediating factors. This study not only inherits some of the previously studied factors, such as complexity (easiness of use), relative advantage (usefulness), attitude and commitment, but also introduces other factors. new untested in Vietnam such as perception of trial ability and perception of compatibility in VR and ARSA technology. Finally, some management functions are proposed for businesses to develop VR and ARSA integrated into Omnichannel, as well as limitations and directions for further research

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