Factors affecting students' intention to use 5G services in Ho Chi Minh City

Nguyen Thi Tuyet Nga1, Ho Ngoc Thao Trang2, Vo Thi My Dung3
1 Sai Gon University
2 aigon University
3 Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology

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This study determines and measures the effect of students’ intentions on using 5G services in Ho Chi Minh City. By conducting a survey of 200 students and using quantitive analysis, the results show that Perceived Resources, Perceived Ease of use, Trust, and Perceived Usefulness are the four criteria that influence the intention to utilize 5G services. In particular, the Perceived Resources variable has the strongest impact on the intention to use whilst the Perceived Usefulness has the least influence, the other two factors that have an impact are Perceived ease of use and Trust. Administrators need to increase investment in infrastructure that better meets user needs, improves efficiency, and increases the usefulness of 5G in the education sector.

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