Online learning in the digital transformation phase: a study satisfaction of universitystudents in Ho Chi Minh City

Vo Thi Kim Ngan1, Tran Nguyen Khanh Hai2
1 University of Finance – Marketing
2 University of Finance - Marketing

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Online learning has been considered a trend in education in general and higher education in particular, this form of learning is being used by many higher education institutions deployed independently or in parallel with the traditional form of learning. This study was conducted to determine the factors affecting the satisfaction of students in Ho Chi Minh City universities towards e-learning in the digital transformation stage, thereby proposing several solutions to increase the satisfaction of students with e-learning. The research was conducted based on a combined research method including qualitative and quantitative research. Primary data was collected from 378 questionnaires and analyzed by SPSS 20 software. The results show that there are plenty factors affecting students' satisfaction towards e-learning from high to low, including the interaction between students and lecturers, the connection between students with lesson content, technology, student-student interactions, and courses. From the research results, the author proposes solutions related to improving the capacity and qualifications of lecturers, developing students' skills and attitudes, building and implementing online teaching and learning content to improve student satisfaction with online learning

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