The impact of organizational commitment on job performance in Vietnamese enterprises

Luu Minh Vung1, Cao Van On2
1 Dong Nai Technology University
2 Binh Duong Economics and Technology University

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This study explores organizational commitment through other factors affecting job performance in Vietnamese enterprises. Using quantitative research method, Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) with a sample size of 303 employees working in Ho Chi Minh City. Based on the theory of Person-organization fit (P-O), and employee equity (EE). Organizational commitment has a strong impact on psychological contracts and weakly on employee retention, simultaneously these two factors have an impact on job performance, in which the impact of psychological contracts is stronger than employee retention. Furthermore, gender (male, female) and firm size (large enterprise, SME) have no statistically significant difference in job performance. In the context of Vietnamese businesses, there are few studies on this topic, so this research has contributed a small amount to the research gap. However, the study has some limitations such as only surveying Vietnamese enterprises in HCMC

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