Students’ satisfaction with the training quality of the management information system of the University of Finance – Marketing

Tran Anh Son1
1 s:33:"University of Finance - Marketing";

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This study was conducted to assess the influence of factors on student satisfaction on the quality of training in the field of Management Information Systems (MIS) through a survey of 352 students and alumni of the Information Technology Faculty (IT), University of Finance - Marketing (UFM). The study used exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and multivariate regression analysis. The results of the study show that the factors "Training program", "The staff of lecturers", "Facilities", "Interaction with businesses", "Learning costs" and "The role of studying's field leaders” affects student satisfaction with the quality of MIS training at UFM; in which, the factor "The role of studying's field leaders" is as an adjustment factor. From this result, the study proposes recommendations related to MIS training: Update and perfect the training program to adapt to the trend of the 4.0 era; Fostering and improve professional qualifications for MIS lecturers in the digital era, professional leadership capacity for MIS industry leaders; Strengthen cooperation with organizations and units to participate in MIS training; Invest in modern facilities as well as have appropriate tuition fees, scholarships or financial support for students for MIS-specific training.

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