Factors influencing inland clearance depots’ competitive advantage: A case study of Hochiminh City

PhD. Nguyen Thanh Hung1
1 University of Finance - Marketing

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The container revolution has highlighted the role of ICDs (Inland Clearance Depot) in efficient shipping coordination. Today's containers moving deeper inland have forced seaports to depend on ICDs to determine their competitiveness as well as provide a competitive freight rate structure for customers. The operation of ICDs needs to be improved to keep up with the dynamics of maritime trade, meet the needs of the parties in the container terminal system, and maintain the sustainable competitive advantage of seaports. The objective of this article is to improve the position of ICDs by identifying factors that enhance the competitive advantage of ICDs in Ho Chi Minh City. The article uses a quantitative method to build a model to test four independent variables. The survey sample was collected from 213 enterprises using ICDs in Ho Chi Minh City. The data is processed by SPSS 20 and AMOS 24 software. Through the study, it is concluded that there are four factors, including the capacity to connect transport infrastructure, the capacity to operate cargo containers, the capacity to cooperate with stakeholders in the transport supply chain, and the ability to improve other factors, affecting the competitive advantage of ICDs. On that basis, the article provides some implications for ICDs in Ho Chi Minh City

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