The Relationship of Personal Values and Organizational Engagement: A Case Study at Non-Public Universities in Ho Chi Minh City

Phan Thi Thuy Phuong1, Truong Thi Cam len1, Nguyen Van Minh1
1 Nguyen Tat Thanh University

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In recent years, the volatility of lecturers in non-public university tends to increase. This inevitably worries educational managers at non-public universities. This study aims is to apply the VAB model and build a theoretical model and then test the model in which personal values affect organizational commitment. The survey sample of the study was collected from 5 non-public universities in Ho Chi Minh City with a total of 332 sheets. The mixed method was used in this study. Specifically, the qualitative research methods with focus group are used to assess and adjust the scales to suit the research context, while quantitative research is used to assess the reliability of the scale and to test theoretical modeling. Research results show that all research hypotheses are statistically significant at the level of 5%, such as Personal values ​​affect satisfaction with the organization and organizational commitment with coefficients of 0.552 and 0.274; while organizational satisfaction has a positive impact on organizational commitment of 0.379. Unlike many previous studies in Vietnam, the behavioral outcome is considered with the “human value” instead of the “material factor” and is conducted in the context of non-public higher education. Results imply that non-public universitiy managers need to pay more attention to employees' personal values.

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