The effect of relationship marketing strategies on supermarket brand equity in Ho Chi Minh City

Nguyễn Văn Sĩ 1, Minh Võ2
1 Trường Đại học Kinh tế TP.HCM

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In the context of intense competition in the retail industry, the issue of enhancing supermarket brand equity is of interest to researchers and managers. This article applies the S-O-R framework (Stimuli - Organism - Response) to study supermarket brand equity in HCM City. The article combines qualitative and quantitative research methods. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was employed to test research hypotheses with a data set of 463 observations. The research results confirm stimuli (S) include 3 components: service fairness, ease of access and preferential treatment that have a positive impact on the Organism (O) (includes 3 components of trust, commitment and perceived service quality). In addition, three components of Organism (O) contribute to the formation of supermarket brand equity as the response (R) in the S-O-R framework.

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