Relationship between service quality, adoptation of online information and brand trustthrough brand image in residential real estate project developers in Vietnam

Ta Van Thanh1, Lam Ngoc Thuy, Nguyen Dong Trieu2, Ho Thi Thao Nguyen2, Tran Ba Duy Linh2
1 Đại học Tài chính - Marketing
2 University of Finance - Marketing

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This study examines the relationship between service quality, adoption of online information and brand trust through brand image in residential real estate developers in Vietnam. These relationships were tested with 542 people who had purchased residential real estate from a real estate project developer in Vietnam, using the support of SPSS 22 and AMOS. Research results show that the adoption of online information has a stronger impact on brand image than service quality, and brand image has a stronger impact on brand trust than service quality. Finally, the author presents research implications for managers and future research directions

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