Factors affecting satisfaction and re-purchase intention through online travel agency’s (OTA) website: The case study customer is office staff working in HOCHIMINH City

Nguyen Quyet Thang1, Pham Phuong Thảo1
1 Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology

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This study aims to determine the factors affecting satisfaction and re-purchase intention through online travel agency’s (OTAs) websites: The case study of customer is an office worker working in Ho Chi Minh City. By using qualitative and quantitative research methods through analysis of linear structural models (SEM), the study conducted a survey of 296 customers who are office workers in Ho Chi Minh City. Research results show that: there are 06 factors affecting customer satisfaction including Trust, Information Quality, Security, Service Quality, Website Design, Price. In addition, the research results also show that: Satisfaction, Price, Trust have a direct influence on the intention to continue booking and this influence is in the same direction. From this result, the study provides some managerial implications to help online travel agencies’s (OTAs) have policies to improve customer satisfaction and intention to repurchase

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