Impacts of organizational culture to retention of human resources at Phong Phu international joint stock company

Huynh Thi Thu Suong1, Nguyen Van Danh
1 University of Finance – Marketing

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The aim of the study is to identify factors of organizational culture affecting the maintenance of human resources at Phong Phu International Joint Stock Company. Conducting an analysis based on a sample of 264 questionnaires collected from 350 survey questionnaires distributed. Using group discussion and expert interview techniques combined with quantitative techniques including assessment of the reliability of Cronbach's Alpha scale, Explore Factor Analysis, Regression Analysis from primary data based on valid sample size 264. The research results show that there are 8 cultural factors that affect the maintenance of human resources at Phong Phu International Joint Stock Company, including Training and development, Orientation on future plans, Take risks by innovation and innovation, Communication in the organization, Teamwork, Efficiency in decision making, Rewards and recognition, Fairness and consistency in policy. The research results also show that there are no significant differences in demographic characteristics to human resource maintenance except for education.

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