Impacts of brand experience, brand satisfaction and brand trust with brand loyalty: Mediate role of brand love

Nguyen Thi Thoa1, Tieu Van Trang1, Vu Thi Tinh1, Do Thi Tuyet Nga1, Nguyen Thi Minh Ngoc1
1 University of Finance - Marketing

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Brand loyalty of customers plays important role in the success of enterprises. Based on the theory of customer and brand relationship, authors analyzed impacts of brand experience, brand satisfaction, brand trust, and brand love on brand loyalty. The structural equation model was used to verify the proposed hypotheses by analyzing the data of 250 people who use cosmetic products in Hochiminh city. Results of the study proved the importance of brand experience, brand satisfaction, brand trust in building brand love, and brand loyalty. In practice, enterprises should increase opportunities to experience products of consumers, specifically, customers can try enterprises’ products. Moreover, enterprises should build a community of users in order to permit users to share their feelings with enterprises’ products.

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