Impact of human intelligence on corruption in ASEAN countries

Nguyen Van Diep1, Bui Xuan Nam2
1 Ho Chi Minh City Open University
2 College of Foreign Economic Relations

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This paper aims to analyze the influence of human intelligence on corruption in ASEAN countries. We use a dataset of 10 ASEAN countries from 1995 to 2019 to find empirical evidence. The Bayesian linear regression method analysis results have shown a non-linear relationship between intelligence and corruption. Specifically, the paper results provide strong evidence supporting an inverted U-shaped relationship between intelligence and corruption in ASEAN countries. The findings remained unchanged as the authors replaced the measure of intelligence with another data source. From a policy perspective, the paper's results show that ASEAN countries with over an intelligent turning point need to encourage investment in education and people skills to have lower levels of corruption.

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