Factors affecting bodybuilding behavior: Case study in Can Tho city

Le Huu Loc1, Ha My Trang
1 Trường Đại Học Cần Thơ

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Bodybuilding is a sport more and more popular. Bodybuilding behavior is influenced by many factors as internal and external factors. The primary data was collected by directly interviewing 220 people living in Can Tho city. The study applied Cronbach's Alpha and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to test scale reliability and suitability, Robust regression was used to identify factors affecting people's fitness participation in the study site. The results show that there are three factors affecting people's participation in bodybuilding in Can Tho city, including: (1) Service quality; (2) Feeling the positivity when exercising; (3) Perception of ease of use. Based on the results, some proposed implications to satisfy customers' fitness needs and solve some problems in the gym business of investors before the Covid-19 pandemic.

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