The impact of quality, social and emotional values on replaying intention: The moderating effect of intensity of playing games

Dang Hoang Minh Quan1, Pham Ngoc Kim Giao1
1 Hoa Sen University

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The study aims to test the role of regulation of gaming density on the relationships of functional, social, and emotional value to the intention of re-playing a large-player online role-playing game. To build a research model, the author uses consumer behavioural intention theory and sensory value doctrine. The survey sample consisted of 230 gamers aged 18 to 35 in Vietnam. Using a statistical tool that describes, assesses scale reliability (CRA), discovery factor analysis (EFA), and resymable analysis (OLS) with interactive variables, the results show that the most powerful influence on The intention to play the game again is the emotional value (VE); then the social value factor (VS) and finally the functional value (VQ). Further analysis of the intermediate regulation impact shows that gaming intensity (IoP) undermines the relationship between social value and the intention to play the game again. The results of the study can be referenced by administrators in the gaming industry to offer solutions related to gaming behavior to expand market share and improve business efficiency. In addition, it helps gamers better understand the nature of their behavior when participating in online interactive games.

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