Effecting of industry 4.0 to decide to start doing business online of universities’ students in Ho Chi Minh City

Nguyen Thi Lieu Dien1, Nguyen Xuan Truong1
1 University of Finance – Marketing

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This study was conducted to examine the impact of technology 4.0 on the online business decision of students in Ho Chi Minh City. Based on the theory of entrepreneurial start-ups - SEE, Theory of Reasoned Action – TRA, Theory of Planned Behavior – TPB, Technology Acceptance Model - TAM, Research Model of Krueger-Brazeal, Research Model of Shapero-Sokol and previousstudies related to the topic, the team developed a proposed model of nine factors including the “Business Decision” factor. The study of 503 validated samples, using EFA, CFA, and SEM, indicated that the expectation factor for starting an online business, Confidence factor for online business and Technological Trends influence the Intent of Online Business of Students. In addition, the study also confirmed that Subjective norms, Information about online business on the Internet, Knowledge platform 4.0 technology, and the 4.0 Technology experience have a positive impact on Expectation factor and Confidence factor in Online Business.

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