Employers’ assessment on quality of graduate students: Study of graduates in marketing of University of Financial Marketing

Nguyen Cuan Truong1, Nguyen Thai Ha1, Nguyen Ngoc Bich Tram1
1 University of Finance – Marketing

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This study evaluates the quality of higher education in the perspective of employers: A case study of the marketing curriculum in the University of Finance - Marketing. Based on a Servqual model of Parasuraman, Zeitham and Berry (1985, 1988, 1991), and the theory of “expectation - confirm” of Oliver (1980, 1988) and inheriting the researches to build a set of criteria (measurement items). Both qualitative and quantitative methodologies were utilized in this study. Qualitative research was first carried out with in-depth interview, conducted to derive measurement items for the interested factor. Quantitative research used cross-sectional field design by pilot study and official study. The model was tested and developed using data collected by questionnaires, from a sample of 252

firms (respondent)s, by both electronic and paper surveys with non-probability and convenience sampling techniques. The research results have drawn a set of criteria to evaluate the quality of marketing bachelors, including 4 factors, in which all the criteria and overall skills have not met the expectations of firms. In which “individual competency” has the highest level of expectation, while “social competency” has the lowest expected response level. “ Professional and career competence” meet the average of the expected level of firms. On the basis of analysis and evaluation, proposing solutions to innovate training contents, programs and methods... to further improve the quality of Bachelor of Marketing.


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