Complete the legal framework for the derivative currency market at Vietnamese commercial banks

Tran Quoc Thinh1
1 Banking University Ho Chi Minh

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In the integration trend, a developing country in Vietnam needs to mobilize capital resources for economic growth through the financial market. Therefore, completing the legal framework to create the foundation for the derivative currency market (TTTTPS) is of concern. The article is based on a survey of 109 experts who are leaders of Vietnamese commercial banks to recognize the status of apply in the legal framework of the derivative currency market in Vietnam. The results show that the current legal framework is relatively complete but there are still some shortcomings. Since then, the article proposes a number of recommendations, according to which state agencies such as the National Assembly, the Government and the State Bank should soon amend and supplement a number of relevant Laws, Ordinances, Decrees and Circulars to create consistency in the legal framework related to TTTTPS. Accordingly, the legal framework is consistent with international practices, ensuring consistency and timeliness, perfecting the payment, transaction and business system, relating to derivatives of interest rates and foreign exchange. This is the basis to contribute to the healthy legal environment for Vietnam TTTTPS to meet the trend of international integration

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