Factors affecting consumer’s purchase intention for Ngoc Linh gingseng products in Kon Tum market

Le Thi Hong Nghia1, Nguyen To Nhu1
1 The University of Danang – Campus in Kontum

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Ngoc Linh Gingseng is a valuable medicine with high economic value and has been developed by enterprises towards diversifying the products. However, studies related to the need and intention of purchasing this product have not yet been studied in depth. This article has used the Theory of Planned Behavior (Theory of Planned Behavior-TPB) to consider the factors affecting customers’ purchase intentions for Ngoc Linh Gingseng products. A sample of 176 responses were collected with the help of a questionnaire survey using an the convenient sampling method. The finding reported that “Subjective norms”, “Attitudes”, “Awareness of behavior control” all have an impact on consumers’ purchase intentions for Ngoc Linh ginseng products. This is the foundation for enterprises to have better access to their target markets

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