Factors affecting domestic tourists’ return intention: The case of tourist destinations in An Giang province

Nguyen Pham Hanh Phuc1, Truong Quoc Dung1
1 University of Finance - Marketing

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Researching tourists' revisit intentions is an important issue in tourism because the cost of retaining old customers is many times lower than attracting new customers. The aim of this study is to examine the influence of the following factors: Destination image, Tourist experience, Travel constraints to the intention of revisiting domestic tourists in An Giang province. The study uses questionnaires to survey and data analysis methods with the technique of scale reliability testing (CRA), Exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and linear regression (OLS). Survey data were collected from tourists at 02 attractions: Cam Mountain Forest Park and Ba Chua Xu Temple on Sam Mountain in Chau Doc (254 tourists). The research findings show that destination image and tourist experience have a positive impact on the intention to revisit and travel constraints have a negative impact on the intention to revisit. Finally, the authors put forwards some major solutions to enhance the destination image and tourist experiences and simultaneously relieve the travel constraints in order to boost tourism in An Giang Province.

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